Tuesday, October 31, 2017

5 Things to do in the Fall with your Family

The cooler temperatures coupled with a refreshing breeze are a constant reminder of why Fall (for some) is the best season of all. It’s not too hot, yet not too cold and there’s plenty of opportunity to do some outdoor activities before the winter gets here!  Give your little ones the best Fall ever by keeping them engaged in activities that create lasting memories. Here are some ideas for Fall fun… 

Apple Picking
Apple picking is a must during the Fall with my family. Do a quick search on Google and find the nearest Apple Orchard.  Pack a snack and make some time to grab those fresh apples with your little ones to make Fall favorites like homemade apple pie, apple cider and caramel apple candy! YUM! 

Visit a Pumpkin Patch 
If your kiddos are anything like mine, they will probably request to go to the pumpkin patch to get pumpkins for Halloween! You can also plan a pumpkin-carving contest with the family if your children are old enough.  If not, no worries, who has the best idea for a pumpkin design?
And don’t forget roasted pumpkin seeds always make for a tasty snack!

Camping and Hiking
Take advantage of the cool temperatures this season and plan a camping and/or hiking trip during the weekend!  Sitting by the campfire, roasting marshmallows and telling ghost stories are some of my favorite memories as a child!  And if the day allows, go for a hike and spot how many different kinds and colors of leaves you can find! 

Take the Kids to the Zoo 
When was the last time you took the entire family to the zoo? Staycations are the vacation trend this year!  The kids will love seeing some of their favorite animals and with the weather being a little cooler, the crowds will be quite a bit less! 

Prep Fall Favorite Meals 

Comfort foods is the reason most people love the Fall the most.  Gather the kiddos in the kitchen to make some of their Fall favorites such as apple spice muffins, pumpkin spice pancakes, sweet potato pie, and more!  My mouth is watering just thinking about it all!

There are SO many Fall activities to choose from! Whichever you choose don’t be afraid to invite some of your child’s friends along to help create the best season (and memories) ever!

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