Friday, December 7, 2012

A Letter to my Son on his 2nd Birthday (a month late)...

Someone reminded me yesterday that I didn't write my sweet Christopher a birthday letter on my blog as I have every other year. We have been so busy lately that I completely forgot. Plus we were in KC for his birthday and I didn't take my laptop with me. So here it is... (backdated to his day)
My dearest sweet Christopher,
Today we celebrate two years with you. I am still in shock as to how fast the past 24 months have gone by.

I remember thinking - when we found out that you were a boy - that because we already had your brother, that whatever I had already done with him or learned about being a mom from him, that naturally, I would just apply to being your mom as well. You have proved that theory so wrong in sooo many ways. It almost seems unfair of me to ever assume you would be just like Cash. Like I tried to steal your sweet little newborn identity or something.
From the day you were born you have been you. You are a sweet, independent, ornery, and busy little boy who loves to snuggle. You have the ability to melt everyone's heart and put a smile on even the grumpiest person's face. Your Dad and I could not be happier watching you grow from an 8.2 lb wrinkly little monkey to a 2-year-old demanding little toddler that you are today. You are perfect and special and beautiful and smart and we could not ask for a better kiddo.

A year ago you were taking wobbly little steps and had baby chub from head to toe. Today you run faster than I can keep up, jump more often than walk, and say more words than I can count.

And somewhere along the way, your unrecognizable jabber turned into saying real words. Your Dad and I get a kick out of listening to you talk. You're bossy and funny. And you say words like "Milka-milk" and "Tank ew" and "Yuv Voo" and "Tease" (instead of please) and "Tweet Cheems" (for sweet dreams). However, your Dad and I now have to watch what we say since you have become quite the little parrot. The words "Hush" and "NO" and "Top it!" are all examples of this.

You're still the biggest mama's boy. Your Daddy is the best toy you own but Mommy is your best friend. You love your brother to death and want to do everything that he does but you'd rather torment him more than anything. You pick on him and pin him down and hit him and kick him. And while he gets extremely upset with you ... there's not a minute that goes by when he isn't obsessing over how much he adores you.

Not only have I enjoyed being a Mom from an entirely different angle but I am finally learning to cherish the challenges you are throwing my way because together you and I get to experience the same situations as Cash and I have ... but with new eyes.

Being a Mom is not inclusive. I am two Moms rolled into one.  I am Cash's Mom AND I am Christopher's Mom.
And this is where I have started crying. Because I just feel so lucky and satisfied in this life with you and Daddy and Cash. I am blessed beyond belief and I wouldn't change a thing about it.

You love your Mommy more than anything in this world and there are times that you make me feel so treasured. Like you and I are the only two people in the room. The way you pet my hair or rub the tips of my finger as I'm rocking you to sleep. It is one of the best feelings I have ever experienced. It is love in its most purest and honest form.

I am so proud of the little boy you are becoming. You are sometimes serious and other time silly. You are busy and full of energy. You are lovable and snuggable. You are your own unique little self as you are into car, trucks, trains, and planes and that's what I love most about you. From day 1 you have been brought up in a house of Superheroes and comic books. While you will play with whatever your brother wants you to play with with him ... you are much happier and comfier in a room of cars and trucks.

You are you. And I couldn't be any prouder of the you that you are. Happy 2nd birthday my boy.

All I ask is that you continue to love the Lord with all your heart and always put Him first in all you do. Through Him, you will be...the strongest, biggest, bravest, most handsome man ...Trust in Him and you will always be everything you need to be.
I wish for you a year full of growing bigger, laughing harder, playing around, and I love yous for no reason at all.
I love you Christopher Maxwell… to the moon and back.

This lullaby, that I made up when you were only minutes old, is OUR lullaby. The lullaby I sing every night as I rock you to sleep. The song you are now starting to sing right along with me. It's ours. And it always will be...
[Sang to the tune of You Are My Sunshine]

"You are my baby .... my baby boy
And you bring me .... so much joy.

I don't want you .... to ever grow up
You are my baby .... baby boy."

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1 comment:

  1. Beautiful Article , Every Wish make Birthday Boy, celebrates all the year..Happy Birthday wishes to your son God bless her
