Wednesday, November 6, 2013

A Letter to my Son on his 6th Birthday...

Dear Cassius,

My sweet, sweet 6 year old boy who is now a Kindergartner. You made it, dude! You’ve waiting all these years to ride the bus to Kindergarten and you’re finally there. I hope that it’s everything you hoped it would be and more. The fact that you are excited to wake up in the morning to go to school makes me think that you’re having the best time! You’re rockin Kindergarten babe. I knew you would! It only gets better too. I promise.

Today is your 6th birthday. I have a six-year-old. I can’t possibly be that old can I? When I look at you … I don’t always see a tall and skinny six-year-old boy. Sometimes I see you in your past ages as well. I see you as a newborn, struggling to breathe but fighting so hard to get those lungs moving. Then I see a blonde little toddler looking up at his dad as they play Rock Band together (you with your fake guitar). I see a pint sized version of his daddy running down the hallway on Christmas morning to start looking for his name on the presents. I see an ornery little boy singing KISS louder than the stereo can go up. And then I see a handsome Kindergartner, putting his folder in his backpack, tying his shoes, and grabbing his lunchbox before heading out the door to catch the bus.

It’s so hard to put Love into words. Especially a Mother’s love for her son. It’s a depth of, which is enigmatic. As much as I try to raise my boys … my boys end up raising me as well. I see my window of influence closing and before too long, it will be time for you to stand strong and make your own footprints in this world. I’ve been preparing myself for that moment since the first day you took your first steps – in which on that third step, you ended up collapsing in my arms. It seems as if it was a symbol in our relationship. It was your first steps towards independence. But that mommy will always be there to catch you when you fall. I’ll never fail you in that promise.

You have taught me SO many things, Cash. I have learned the sounds of a tender beating heart when you were willing to give up presents in order to help boys and girls in need.

I’ve witnessed your joy in every moment around you. Because of this joy … you attract friends wherever you go. I have a letter from your preschool teacher that simply reads, "Everyone loves Cash. He is a good friend to all." You are a loyal friend and quick to forgive. Stay this way and you’ll never be lonely.
You have taught me courage. You aren’t afraid to throw yourself out there. You take risks and you don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t do something. Except when it comes to trying new foods. I wish you would trust me when I say you’ll like it. But that’s okay. I’ll get over it.

I love you so much, Cash. You are the son I always dreamed of having. It makes my heart happy to watch you find your voice and be a leader. This will serve you well in life.

My advice for you as we celebrate your 6th birthday…
Faith’s journey should be daily. It is vital to see and make good moral choices. The choices you make will bring you closer to God or further from Him. They will either lead you down the path of a peaceful heart, or a troubled one. The choices you make are never secret as God is always with you. And Santa. But God for EVERY choice as Santa has to go sleep.

If you make your decisions wisely, you’ll be able to live without regret. Lasting happiness is not about possessions and materials but more about the results of living your values – even though they may be difficult. There is no grand prize at the end of life. This is your final destination. The prize is here, now, this moment, today, and tomorrow. You’re rockin this life so far … keep doin your thang.

God has blessed you with good looks, a good mind, an old soul, and a sweet heart. Keep going on your journey son. Continue to make your Daddy and me happy.

I am always in your corner, Cash. I’m the loudest cheerleader, the proudest mom, and the one who is always crying over how blessed she knows she is.

I’m the one giving myself an internal high five. I’m nostalgic. I’m just so dang proud to be your mother!

Happy 6th birthday, Cassius Milo.

With more love than I could ever express…
Your mommy.


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