Thursday, November 13, 2014

Creating My Timeless Bathroom

We’re in the process of remodeling the master bathroom and we had no idea what we were about to get ourselves into.  It is no small undertaking!  I didn’t know there would be so many countertops to choose from, sinks to look at, or even bathroom faucets to argue over.   One thing I do know is that I want my bathroom to be timeless. I want it to be comfortable and a place where I can relax.  I do NOT want something that will be outdated within a couple of years. Or something that I just “settled on” because it was cheaper or easier to put in.

One of these battles came down to the shower.  I will tell you that I decided to splurge on the showerhead.  I can count on my hand the number of times I’ve actually taken a bath.  Not because I didn’t want to … but because I have two small children and no time to take a bath.  But I still wanted something that was relaxing and refreshing and got the job done.  And I wanted it to be water-efficient.  If I wanted to take a 20-minute shower, but still want that “rain” feel without draining my bank account … then THAT is where I wanted to spend my bucks.

I narrowed my showerhead search down to one brand. Danze.  Danze believes that style and design have the power to inspire and delight.  Their state of the art Intenze technology is a true ‘game upper’ (not just a changer) in the shower-taking experience. Utilizing air injection for a more powerful jet, along with pressure manifold technology and dual valve technology, you get a high performance shower even when water flow is low. You save water, money, AND time. And you have a swanky showerhead above all else.

According to WaterSense, the average US household could save in excess of 2,300 gallons of water each year if they installed WaterSense labeled showerheads. In fact, if every household in America made the change, the country could save more than 250 billion gallons of water and more than $1.5 billion in water utility bills annually. That’s a lot of money y’all!!

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Disclosure: I was not compensated monetarily for this post.  All thoughts and opinions are my own.  Because as you know … The Procrastinating Mommy cannot be bought!

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