Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Family That Prays Together Stays Together

I'm not "thumping the bible" (as some may say) in any way.  But if you have read any of my past blogs you will see that I am a firm believer in God, Heaven, and Hell.  I don't preach but I do speak my mind.  So if you want to continue to follow me - awesome and thank you.  If not - fine.  But you can simply choose to skip over these sorts of posts.  It's your call.

Every day and every night I say prayers in my head.  And I know Cale does the same thing.  We tell Cash to and his prayers are usually, "thank you God for my family and my house and my toys and my frog blankie."  But today as I was praying ... I started thinking ... why don't we pray more as a family.  There's the normal dinner time prayer but that's it.  Other than that, we're on our own to pray.  As of today the Topinka's will have a new ritual...
Pray at least twice a day.  Definitely a night time prayer together but we need to start adding another prayer time in there as well.

I came across a spousal prayer that couldn't be more perfect:

Lord Jesus, grant that my spouse and I may have a true and understanding love for each other. Grant that we may both be filled with faith and trust. Give us the grace to live with each other in peace and harmony. May we always bear with one another's weakness and grow from each other's failings and grant us patience, kindness, cheerfulness, and the spirit of placing the well-being of one another ahead of itself.
May the love that brought us together grow and mature with each passing year. Bring us both ever closer to You through our love for each other. Let our love grow to perfection. Amen.

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