Thursday, August 11, 2011

A Lot Of Catching Up

Here's what we've been up to the past couple of months...

Cale has discovered a new love.  He "has" her every Saturday on his "free day"
Her name:  "Chicken-n-Waffles" and then you throw a cold Schlitz in with it and it becomes the epitome of Whiskey Tango (if you catch my drift).

Cash has decided that if a doughnut maker, a Husker football player, or a Rockstar (which he already is in my book) doesn't work out .... He might like to be a fireman.

(these two pics are from our town's Parents as Teachers event)

And Christopher ... well ... he just wants to be like his big brother ...

While the mister and I have yet to have a date ... we did get a night without Cashie which helps a little bit.  We don't have to deal with arguing with him over bathtime and bedtime.  And we only had one kiddo to get in and out of the car when we went to the store.  And Christopher is more into looking around new places then dragging us to the toy section in every store (which btw, Cash has memorized the location of the toy department in EVERY store and knows the shortest route to them all).  All in all ... it gave Cale and I the chance to actually miss our big dude.  We talked about him a lot and it also gave Christopher a chance to have mama and dada all to himself. 

Cale and I are dealing with the "no date" thing day by day.  It's getting easier to handle.  I still think about it daily (usually when the boys are having a bad day and I'm needing a break) but it's not as frustrating as it was.  The way we see it:  It is what it is.
We play games at night or read together.  We spend some extra money and have "date night in".  And when I really think about it ...  the strongest couples I know, NEVER get time away from their kids.  My cousins are a great example.  They live out of state away from all of their family.  They don't know many people in the town they live in and they haven't gone on a date since their child was born (6 years ago).  They've been married for 10+ years but yet ... they're like newlyweds.  The way they look at eachother's eyes.  The way they speak to eachother.  It's a love that I envy and hope to regain.  Not that I ever lost it.  But when you have a constant little one tugging on your pants, you get into a certain "swing" and forget about small stuff like that in your marriage.  Cale and I are as much in love now as we've ever been.  Our family of 4 is all we have.  He's got my back and I've got his.  If I didn't have him in my life I'd be nothing more than a pile of mush.  But for now ... we're enjoying these 17 1/2 years as a family.  Sure it would still be nice for someone to step up to the plate and offer to watch the boys while he and I went to dinner and to go see a new movie.  I am with these little guys 24/7.  And only about 30 minutes of that 24 hours is alone with my husband.  We have to sneak out the front door if we want to be alone, lol.

On that note....
We're thinking next month that my Mom will keep both boys overnight one weekend.  She lives in the town where our State Fair is and my sister and niece always drive up the day before and stay the night at my Moms.  We were thinking that we could go up there that same night, spend time at the fair with the family, and then Cale and I could drive back and actually have a night to ourselves.  And then my sister could bring the boys back on their way home.
Even if that doesn't work out where Chrissy ends up staying the night, I know that Cashie can't wait to go stay up there again so he will at least go and it'll give Cale and I 1/2 of a break, lol.

What else, what else...
We have been very busy lately.  Every weekend it seems we have something going on.  We plan it that way though.  We actually got Cashie to ride more than just one ride at the Wheatfest.  Here's a couple pics from that night:

My little boy is growing up so fast.  Just last year you couldn't get him to go on anything more than a slide.  Now the kid is bored with the spaceship and dump trucks and is ready to ride the Spider/Octopus.  (It's Mommy who's not quite ready for him to ride those rides).
We've starting planning a trip to Disney World.  We're planning on late September/early Octoberish 2012.  I can't wait to see my little boys' faces light up when they see the castle.  Hell ... I'm excited just for Cash to experience the plane ride.  We're not telling them we're going.  While Christopher will still be too little to really realize it ... Cash is going to go nuts.  We'll tell him once we're at the airport, boarding the airplane.  It gives my goosebumps just thinking about it.  He calls the castle:  Mickey's Castle (instead of Cinderella's Castle) and I know from experience ... that's when it really hits you where you are:  Standing in front of "Mickey's" Castle.  I'm shedding a tear now just thinking about it.
Disney World has held a special spot in Cale and I's heart for over 10 years now.  I went once when I was 16 with my Dad, Aunt, and cousins.  And then Cale and I went back in 2001 for our first getaway.  While I had already told him: "I love you" ... it never really sank in how much until we were in Disney World.  I would've married that man that trip had he asked me.  We then went three other times after that.  In my opinion, it truly is the happiest place on earth.

The kiddos: 
Christopher is a crawling machine.  He's fast!  And he's pulling up on EVERYTHING.  Pulling up on furniture (and things) doesn't come without a price though.  He's got a new bruise on the forehead to prove it.  Poor babe.  Here's a couple pictures of what I could snap before I had to chase after the little escape artist...

And Cash.  Cash is getting easier to handle.  He still has his moments but as I said earlier ... my little boy is growing up.  He's going to be 4 in less than two months.  He starts preschool in a month.  He's learned to write the word: "Hi" and we're working on his name now.  He can write the letter "C" so far. 
Here's a recent picture of my sweetie:

I think I'm going through a "funk" right now.  The fact that Cash is starting preschool gets me all teary eyed.  It just seems like yesterday that this little constant companion of nine months emerged with his eyes wide open.  He was placed in my arms.  I could feel his heartbeat reverberating through mine.  Friends and family that came to visit cautioned that time is elusive.  That he'll grow up faster than I can imagine and to savor every moment.  But I didn't listen.  It was all to cliche and my son had only just arrived.  This baby was toxic.  The way it looked like he wore a rubberband bracelet around his wrists because of the creases of chubbiness.  The birthmark he had on his chest.  His dark brown hair and blue eyes.  The way he sounded like a little baby lamb when he cried.  I was filled with a sense of purpose, hope, and love.
I quit my job to stay at home with him.  There was never enough money but we at least had more time. 
He swings from monkey bars and climbs trees.  He wears superhero masks and costumes.  There are marathon bedtime story rituals, endless questions about how things work, and monsters in the closet.  The megablocks that were once too big for him to grasp have now turned into lego pieces that are even beginning to grow smaller.  His lego castles are becoming more intricate.  He loves KISS and the Ramones.  He's a mini-version of his Daddy.  He loves his dog and she loves him back.  She still lays by his bedroom door as he sleeps. 
I've defined myself as a mother for the last 3 years 10 months.  Stop growing Cash.  PLEASE, I beg you, STOP growing up.  Who will I be when you turn 18?  Can I find a new purpose?
As I sit here and write this snippet you came in and hugged me.  You can see my eyes are full with tears.  I try to be strong for you, Cash.  But sometimes ... crying is just a sign that I've been strong for too long.  Remember that.  Remember that it's okay to cry.  I love you son.  To the moon and back.  I love you.
I'll love you forever,
I'll like you for always,
As long as I'm living
my baby you'll be.

ANYWAY....  Happier note ....

We had a family reunion in Omaha at the end of July. 

It was good times.  I hadn't seen some of those people since my wedding.  And the little ones got to meet some of their cousins for the first time.  Here's a couple pictures of the water fight they had:

(yup ... he got in trouble for that one ... NEVER shoot the photographer!)

They all ganged up on the cop.  "What's he gonna do about it?"

And what's a waterfight without tears?!  Poor Jax :(

We also visited our local garden museum:  Botanica.   That was an experience.  But we all had fun.  They opened up a new children's exhibit.  Here's some pictures from that:

Giving caterpillar kisses  xoxox


Big brother removing the leaf from little brother's mouth.

Little brother wondering why the hell big brother just did that.


It's been a busy and fun past couple months.  Sorry this was so long.  I promise to stay up to date this time.

But for now ... give all your kiddos a hug and slow dance in the kitchen.

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