Tuesday, May 10, 2011

My Road To Savings...


I have become a fan of every blog and facebook page imaginable if it has to do with coupons, freebies, and giveaways.  But for some reason I am just failing miserably.  If you have any tips ... PLEASE feel free to share.

Today marks the beginning of:
I. Will. NEVER. Pay. Full. Price. For. Anything. Again!!

1 comment:

  1. Dropping in from Mama Blog. There's a group on BBC called MomShare, with a "pay it forward" mentality. If you have baby/toddler clothes or gear to share... or if there's something you need, you may be able to find it for the cost of shipping (or nothing if the donor will pay shipping). It's a private group, so you'll have to request admission and friend the GO who contacts you. Here's the link: http://community.babycenter.com/groups/a6723733/momshare

    Hope that helps,

    Shan (AKA a GO from MomShare, lol)
